Thursday, March 12, 2009

Speaking a Little Korean

My birthmother called tonight. She always asks if I'm tired. I always tell her yes. Then I asked her if she was okay (in Korean) and then she said something else and I said, "me too" (in Korean) and then I said a few more words in Korean (don't remember...thank you, good, yes, whatever). The woman was freaking out. She was cracking up and told me my Korean was so good that she thought I sounded like Unkyung. Way to feed my ego since every time she repeated what I said it was obvious how poorly I was pronouncing everything.

But it goes to show that I'm learning a little....bit by bit. Not a lot, but it's a start.


  1. Laura, so nice to read your blog. What a writer you are. By the time we come to visit, you will be fluent in Korean. :) Love you!

  2. I was thinking of your previous entry of the guy who says "uno momento." In addition to the cultural differences and new emotions he was adjusting to having lived in a different country, he also had to deal with the communication issues. "Uno momento" just about sums it up.
