Above: Unsun, her boyfriend, and her friends. The third is Unkyung and her ex-boyfriend.
Not a swastika but a sun sign...remember, to make the swastika they inverted the sun sign, which is older than the Nazi party. These are everywhere in Korea.
Some pictures of a night out to celebrate one of the teacher's last days. His Korean girlfriend is pictured first, then a few fellow teachers (and one of Al and me).
Pictures of and from Technomart
Al's first night here at Outback Steakhouse with Unsun and her boyfriend and Unkyung
Quick recap of last night: Unkyung invited me out for a drink with her ex and her. It was a little uncomfortable as he sat their with a frown and said nothing. Unkyung would put her arm around him, clearly trying to be affectionate. But he didn't seem to respond. I didn't like him. He apparently has a girlfriend. Again, I wasn't fond of him.
All through the evening, Birthmother called again and again and again. She called nearly 12 times. She used the video call feature to show me that she and my birthfather were at a Noraebang singing and drunk. My birthfather's voice was cringeworthy, but he belted out the Korean song with passion. But after a while, Unkyung was just as annoyed as I was and grabbed my phone and sent the calls to voicemail each time.
Unsun showed up and I was glad. She and her boyfriend are fun to talk with and make me laugh. The other guy was his friend and his girlfriend was there as well. I gave each one of them an English name. Unsun is Angelina Jolie, her boyfriend is Brad Pitt, the other girl was Cameron Diaz (it took a while to find a celebrity she knew), and her boyfriend was Johnny Depp. They loved their new names.
After everyone, including Unsun's boyfriend, left Unsun, Unkyung and I walked together. They insisted they walk me home because it was late. I tried to explain that I walk home late every night from school, but they wouldn't hear of it. I hailed a cab for them and sent them on their way once we got near my home. Not a bad night, but not planning on doing it every evening.
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