The video is of some outdoor performing that tends to go on during the summer in the Hongdae campus area. It's different each time (apparently one time there was a high jump contest).
Below are random photos from around the neighborhood. The woman from the marketplace graciously agreed to have her picture taken.
Above is the bank I use, the woman from the market, and a sign I thought was worth showing you all.
Above are crane machines, similar to ones we have in the US, but they are called "couple cranes" and there are two levers so that two people can play at once. Also, a medical clinic sign that I hadn't noticed until, well, the other day.
The first picture above is a small hair salon in my neighborhood and the second is my street.
The last two pics you see are of the room at the massage parlor. I was so sore after the massage! But it was a nice experience (aside from the pain during and after the actual massage).
How do you leave a massage parlor in pain. Somethings not right about that. That's like going to the dentist to relax