Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Truth and more birthfamily stuff. Pics soon.

First of all, I will post more pics on my next blog.

Second, I will admit I was not entirely truthful in my blog about the students. I realize that I said that deep down I love all these kids, but I was trying not to sound like a bad person. The truth is, I can't stand some of those kids! I know they're only kids, but I'm not related to them so I have no obligation to think they're all adorable.

I lent a pencil to Brian, the wall-licker. Next thing I know, I see him (instead of doing his work) working on his feet with my pencil! He's cleaning both under his toenails and between his toes. He had kicked his shoes off earlier for some unknown reason. I let him keep the pencil.

So no, I am not fond of all my students. I love some, but with others I keep thinking, "What the Hell is wrong with you, kid?"

Finally, this morning I received a call from my birthmother requesting my presence for lunch. I complied and didn't mind as much since I know they're still morning their loss. But if this starts happening on a regular basis again, I will have to remind them of our "deal." Our deal was that I'd visit more (which I've been doing) if they'd just give me at least a ten hour heads-up if they want to have a morning visit.

Funny story: At the restaurant, Birthfather was downing an entire bottle of Soju (as usual) well before noon. It was at the same Korean buffet where we went for his birthday. Birthmother had finished most of her food but still had one piece of "whatever" on her plate. Birthfather snagged it between his chopsticks and quickly popped it in his mouth. Immediately he spit it out into his hand. Birthmother started laughing hysterically. Apparently that piece of food was one she had put in her mouth, decided she didn't like, and spit it back out onto her plate. What the funniest part was (to me) was that she didn't say a word as he took it and ate it. She just looked on and let him with a mischeivous gleam in her eye.

Although that was funny, it wasn't quite as funny when Birthfather insisted on holding my hand later. He'd spit the food out into that very same hand and had not washed it, but had merely wiped it off with a napkin. Gross.

That's all for today. Pics soon.

1 comment:

  1. Pics soon? Can't wait...... and with what you have been blogging about this, I can't imagine what they would be about. Wow...... maybe wall-licking kids? Anyway, I love your pics :)
